Everything You Need to Know About Manual Therapy

August 5, 2021

Manual therapy is fast becoming the topic of discussion amongst friends.  When people hear the term, they all have the same questions. 


What exactly is it? What is it helpful for? Why isn’t everyone doing it? 



More people are suffering from back and neck pain now than ever before.  Although the causes of joint and muscle pain are endless, all of them can adversely affect the quality of life. This causes people to turn to manual therapy and seek a physical therapist’s help to return to a pain-free life.


Here the trained professionals at BodyWorx vitality provide you with detailed answers to all your questions and more. 

What Is Manual Therapy?


Manual therapy is a form of physiotherapy that does not rely on machines and modern equipment. Instead, it is delivered manually by a trained therapist. Physiotherapists will usually combine manual therapy with a comprehensive exercise and rehabilitation program to help you recover faster.


A variety of symptoms and conditions can be assessed, diagnosed, and treated by manual therapy . It seeks to relieve pain caused by muscular spasms and joint dysfunction by applying pressure to muscles, soft tissues, and manipulating joints.

Techniques include deep tissue massage, which helps drain toxins from affected areas while improving blood flow. Other methods such as myofascial relief and trigger point relief, on the other hand, target specialized tender points to help relax the tissues and muscles and immediately relieve pain.

The wide range of techniques available means that manual therapy can help you, regardless of the cause of your discomfort.

How Does It Work?

Understanding how manual therapy works can help you set realistic expectations before your session. 

When manual treatment is administered to a specific part of your body, the direct impact is reduced muscular spasm and enhanced mobility of that particular body part. The application of pressure and other stimuli activates a series of events, beginning with the nervous system. 

Once the sensory input reaches the spinal cord, it triggers the brain to induce changes in the body’s internal environment. These changes include reducing stress hormone levels and releasing feel-good hormones called endorphins. 

Furthermore, cells that aid in the fight against inflammation are recruited to the affected area. As a result of all these changes, you feel better immediately after a manual therapy session. 

The Benefits

Manual therapy can be used in several case scenarios and has a range of benefits. It can help you recover and rehab faster by addressing muscle pain, swelling, and soreness, as well as increasing the strength, flexibility, and stability of your joints.

Joint manipulation is utilized to realign and restore joints and bones to their optimal state. This improves mobility while also reducing the risk of injuries in the future, thus enabling you to move and exercise freely. 

As discussed, manual therapy also improves blood flow to affected regions. This helps recovery by washing away toxins and harmful substances that build up in injured areas. As a result, you not only recover better but also quicker. 

Manual therapy has many non-physical benefits as well. The release of endorphins and other chemicals in the brain can calm the mind and relieve stress. Furthermore, it also relaxes the muscles, tissues, ligaments, and tendons. The feeling is not very different from the one after an excellent massage. 

Can’t Wait to Schedule a Session?

Are you looking to reap the benefits of manual therapy with a personal session? If so, you’re not alone. 


Fortunately for you, BodyWorx Vitality has got you covered with its trained and licensed therapists. Call 905-553-5900 or visit our   website  to book your session today.


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